Currently driving “Skids”, a blue hatchback. Previous car was “Skar” because of a long scratch-dent on one side. Both Transformers names.
Favorite ride was a red Ford Ranger named “Roosta”, both a music joke and a Hitch-Hiker’s Guide reference.
I even name my computers.
My first car, a 2004 Grand Am, I named Beatrix, after Beatrix Kiddo. I often called her Bea. My current car, a 2004 Accord, I call Guinevere, though I often shorten it to Gwen.
I’ve never really named by cars either. Though I have nicknamed a few; one Buick was ‘the boat’ and my ex-stepmom had an early-70s ‘Green Monster’ whose make and model I’ve forgotten.
My old Ion 2 I called BB, or Blue Bomber, because it was a shade of blue VERY similar to Classic Megaman. After an unfortunate run-in under a semi-trailer, my new Spark is called Slimer due to, you guessed it, having a color the same at that ghost.
My first car was a ’59 Ford Fairlane that I bought for $25 after it had sat through a Montana winter with a blown freeze plug. The sort of car where you’d pull into a gas station and say, “Check the gas and fill up the oil.” Called it “Edsel’s Revenge.”
Last car I named was a ’74 Vega called Lope (Lope de Vega was a 16th century Spanish author & playwright).
my orange Dodge Neon was named Merida
when i borrowed my moms car for a couple months i named her McGonagall (very old and silver)
my current car is Artemis
and if my plan to get a blue car for my next car becomes true she will be Korra
I only ever named my first car, “The Blatant Beast,” because its hood was longer than either the cabin or the trunk. None of the subsequent cars had enough personality.
My Prius was Molly. My wife’s Toyota was Jack. My RAV is Max. Naming cars is good.
Currently driving “Skids”, a blue hatchback. Previous car was “Skar” because of a long scratch-dent on one side. Both Transformers names.
Favorite ride was a red Ford Ranger named “Roosta”, both a music joke and a Hitch-Hiker’s Guide reference.
I even name my computers.
My current car is called the TARDIS. It’s deep blue and very roomy inside, though not quite bigger than the outside!
My sister called her old Honda Nova “Napoleon”. Not sure what she calls her current car, if anything.
I don’t name my car. I figure having an Autobot symbol license plate on the front is nerdy enough.
My Prius V is RB, short for Red Baron.
My first car, a 2004 Grand Am, I named Beatrix, after Beatrix Kiddo. I often called her Bea. My current car, a 2004 Accord, I call Guinevere, though I often shorten it to Gwen.
My ancient Merc was Horatio. My Volvo was Graham. The Buick LeSabre is Holly. Yes, he’s still male.
My car is ‘Ninja’, because it’s a generic black sedan that gets lost easily in dark parking lots.
I’ve never really named by cars either. Though I have nicknamed a few; one Buick was ‘the boat’ and my ex-stepmom had an early-70s ‘Green Monster’ whose make and model I’ve forgotten.
My cousin named her convertible the Coup de Gracie, and my parents named an old car of theirs The Green Hornet.
My old Ion 2 I called BB, or Blue Bomber, because it was a shade of blue VERY similar to Classic Megaman. After an unfortunate run-in under a semi-trailer, my new Spark is called Slimer due to, you guessed it, having a color the same at that ghost.
My wife calls my blue 2007 PT Cruiser “Peri” as in “Periwinkle”. My sister was calling it periwinkle and it stuck.
My first car was a ’59 Ford Fairlane that I bought for $25 after it had sat through a Montana winter with a blown freeze plug. The sort of car where you’d pull into a gas station and say, “Check the gas and fill up the oil.” Called it “Edsel’s Revenge.”
Last car I named was a ’74 Vega called Lope (Lope de Vega was a 16th century Spanish author & playwright).
my orange Dodge Neon was named Merida
when i borrowed my moms car for a couple months i named her McGonagall (very old and silver)
my current car is Artemis
and if my plan to get a blue car for my next car becomes true she will be Korra
My Volvo was “The Shaggin’ Wagon”, and my Ford Focus hatchback was “Cadbury”. I haven’t bothered with a name for a car since that one.
I only ever named my first car, “The Blatant Beast,” because its hood was longer than either the cabin or the trunk. None of the subsequent cars had enough personality.
My first car was a green 2000 Pontiac Sunfire. We called it the frog-mobile. My current Rav4 is called Tae Tae.
I had a red Nissan Versa that I called Carnage, because it was manual and I tended to drive it a bit like a maniac
I very much enjoy all the comments from people who had named at least one car 😀