The standard courtesy rule is that whoever’s driving gets to pick the music and has every right to use the ejector seat in case of passenger override. Stuart should be more grateful… or should’ve insisted HE drive.
To be fair, a good bit of what was recorded in the 40s and 50s was also terrible (ditto for any other decade). We only hear the good stuff that has survived.
That said, one of the problems with music over the past decade is the overuse of autotune.
The standard courtesy rule is that whoever’s driving gets to pick the music and has every right to use the ejector seat in case of passenger override. Stuart should be more grateful… or should’ve insisted HE drive.
or as it was put on “Supernatural”, “driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole.”
I loved “Supernatural” and its soundtrack.
I really love that it introduced a whole new generation to Reverend Horton Heat when they used “The Devil’s Chasin’ Me.”
I’d rather hear Glenn Miller than most of what’s been made this century.
To be fair, a good bit of what was recorded in the 40s and 50s was also terrible (ditto for any other decade). We only hear the good stuff that has survived.
That said, one of the problems with music over the past decade is the overuse of autotune.