Yes, seriously these people are so obnoxious. I had to deal with a lot of them when I worked a seasonal job at gamestop. Because I have muscles and look young, they’d target me and ask me stuff like if we carried stuff for Neo Geo, or brag about having an obscure console Though it was satisfying, blowing their little nerd brains when I’d tell them about a nearby retro store that had stuff for it, and that I got my Pioneer Laseractive from there and how it is still the most expensive console ever. I don’t really own one, but the look on their faces was priceless.
Henways. Do you sell them?
Obligatory response: What’s a henway?
About 10 pounds.
Higgledy-piggledy, my fat hen. Seriously, about 3 pounds is average.
I’ve seen “Henway” on a license plate.
Ah, one of those people who needs their glasses broken while they’re wearing them. Preferably their nose, too.
Yes, seriously these people are so obnoxious. I had to deal with a lot of them when I worked a seasonal job at gamestop. Because I have muscles and look young, they’d target me and ask me stuff like if we carried stuff for Neo Geo, or brag about having an obscure console Though it was satisfying, blowing their little nerd brains when I’d tell them about a nearby retro store that had stuff for it, and that I got my Pioneer Laseractive from there and how it is still the most expensive console ever. I don’t really own one, but the look on their faces was priceless.
Fifth panel: Heather leaned in and tell Marla what it is, pissing off that smug-ass customer.