Social policies etc. in China often look good on paper but come with hidden gotchas. However, this one may be on the up-and-up. China’s birth rate has fallen greatly in recent decades, and is now well below replacement level. The government is increasingly worried about labor shortages etc. in the future, especially since almost nobody wants to immigrate there, and is trying desperately to encourage people to have more children. (So far, without much success.)
Oy. I can count how many things Zucchini Head has done for Marla on one finger. And even then, I think that’s one too many!
Either that, or I haven’t been paying that close attention to the archives.
In some cases you get a full YEAR for maternity leave and in some places there is paternity leave for the father. I don’t think he needs as long if he’s not a full time caretaker like the mother is, but a couple weeks to a month would be nice.
My co-worker on 2nd shift is expecting his first born any day now. Once it happens he’s taking two months of COMPANY PAID PATERINTRY LEAVE. good for him. The times they are a changing, for the better.
Don’t worry, Stuart, she’s ultimately going to “let you off easy” in exchange for all you’ve done for her.
Any decent employer here in the UK would probably give 6 months maternity leave on full pay.
Beijing has up to 158 days, while Shanghai has up to 178 days. (I think I got those numbers right, or at least close.)
Given how we know what other stuff China is known for you really should have a citation for praising them.
Social policies etc. in China often look good on paper but come with hidden gotchas. However, this one may be on the up-and-up. China’s birth rate has fallen greatly in recent decades, and is now well below replacement level. The government is increasingly worried about labor shortages etc. in the future, especially since almost nobody wants to immigrate there, and is trying desperately to encourage people to have more children. (So far, without much success.)
Oy. I can count how many things Zucchini Head has done for Marla on one finger. And even then, I think that’s one too many!
Either that, or I haven’t been paying that close attention to the archives.
In some cases you get a full YEAR for maternity leave and in some places there is paternity leave for the father. I don’t think he needs as long if he’s not a full time caretaker like the mother is, but a couple weeks to a month would be nice.
My co-worker on 2nd shift is expecting his first born any day now. Once it happens he’s taking two months of COMPANY PAID PATERINTRY LEAVE. good for him. The times they are a changing, for the better.