that’s why stores have boutique brands. so they don’t have to price match another store’s identical-in-every-way-except-the-name products.
Or they get custom model numbers. Grumbel’s will sell the 305AD1QV… Delman’s will sell the 305AD1QW.
.. They’re exactly the same but it gives them an excuse not to price match
Fun fact: The now-defunct Crazy Eddie electronics chain invented that practice. The only difference was usually the model number for which Ed had an exclusive.
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RETAIL: Year One
This is currently the only collected volumeĀ of Retail comics. It contains every comic (printed in black and white) from 2006.
that’s why stores have boutique brands. so they don’t have to price match another store’s identical-in-every-way-except-the-name products.
Or they get custom model numbers. Grumbel’s will sell the 305AD1QV… Delman’s will sell the 305AD1QW.
.. They’re exactly the same but it gives them an excuse not to price match
Fun fact: The now-defunct Crazy Eddie electronics chain invented that practice. The only difference was usually the model number for which Ed had an exclusive.