One customer I had would routinely commandeer me to kind of be her personal shopper, but it ended up paying off a bit. One Christmas she had the lady she worked for (who was also a regular) invite my husband and I to her quite lavish party. It also was highly likely they would spend in the 4-5 figure range each trip and while I didn’t earn commission, the company did do profit sharing.
Sadly, I admit to doing this about a month ago. In my defense, I’d never been in a Trader Joe’s before and it actually only took about ten minutes.
And they wonder why Amazon took off.
One customer I had would routinely commandeer me to kind of be her personal shopper, but it ended up paying off a bit. One Christmas she had the lady she worked for (who was also a regular) invite my husband and I to her quite lavish party. It also was highly likely they would spend in the 4-5 figure range each trip and while I didn’t earn commission, the company did do profit sharing.