The “Deep down, I know I’m completely incompetent, so I overcompensate” statement is probably how Stuart truly is, but he’s in no shape or form “intimidated by Cooper’s greatness.” No, he busts Cooper’s chops the most because Cooper gives him the most flak.
Stuart might add “I never do a lick of work around here. I pass off all of my responsibilities onto Marla. All I do is sit in my office and dream of working for Corporate. Maybe some day they’ll appreciate my being such an obsequious sycophant and I’ll get to work for the head office! Meanwhile I find my jollies in picking on every single aspect of the employees’ performance so that they line up perfectly with Corporate’s ridiculous demands!”
I wonder if Randall Munroe drew inspiration for his “Shibboleet” strip from this one.
Pretty unicorn!
That’s rough. Sorry, Coop.
The “Deep down, I know I’m completely incompetent, so I overcompensate” statement is probably how Stuart truly is, but he’s in no shape or form “intimidated by Cooper’s greatness.” No, he busts Cooper’s chops the most because Cooper gives him the most flak.
Stuart might add “I never do a lick of work around here. I pass off all of my responsibilities onto Marla. All I do is sit in my office and dream of working for Corporate. Maybe some day they’ll appreciate my being such an obsequious sycophant and I’ll get to work for the head office! Meanwhile I find my jollies in picking on every single aspect of the employees’ performance so that they line up perfectly with Corporate’s ridiculous demands!”