The devil on my shoulder used to be ignored when I started at the grocery store.
By the end, the angel’s voice was oddly silent and the devil won more often than not.
My best moment was blowing off Thanksgiving and Black Friday, then showing up on Monday to find my manager fuming mad and wondering where I was. I told her the truth: “Having dinner with family, like I told you I was going to do on Thanksgiving. I’m loyal to those who are loyal to me.”
Was worth it despite getting my walking orders in 2019 for that incident.
The devil on my shoulder used to be ignored when I started at the grocery store.
By the end, the angel’s voice was oddly silent and the devil won more often than not.
My best moment was blowing off Thanksgiving and Black Friday, then showing up on Monday to find my manager fuming mad and wondering where I was. I told her the truth: “Having dinner with family, like I told you I was going to do on Thanksgiving. I’m loyal to those who are loyal to me.”
Was worth it despite getting my walking orders in 2019 for that incident.