That’s what I always think but remember my small purchase would hardly have been enough to keep the store open. But my small purchase added to many other small purchases (and a few large ones) would have.
this reminds me of a Crankshaft that covers the same thing. He’s going to the local hardware store and finds that it is closing. He waxes nostalgically to his grandson (or great-grandson? I can’t keep track) of how long the store had been around, how he’d gone with HIS dad when he was a child.
The punchline is that, while Crankshaft is lamenting the loss of a pillar of the community, the last time he went there the only thing he purchased was a single screw.
Maybe if the man actually purchased goods and or services from said stores then they would still be here.
That’s what I always think but remember my small purchase would hardly have been enough to keep the store open. But my small purchase added to many other small purchases (and a few large ones) would have.
this reminds me of a Crankshaft that covers the same thing. He’s going to the local hardware store and finds that it is closing. He waxes nostalgically to his grandson (or great-grandson? I can’t keep track) of how long the store had been around, how he’d gone with HIS dad when he was a child.
The punchline is that, while Crankshaft is lamenting the loss of a pillar of the community, the last time he went there the only thing he purchased was a single screw.