Reminds me of this woman in a mobility cart that would come into my old store. She would come up to you and demand you help her, even if you were with a customer at the time. If you didn’t drop everything right that second and help her, she’d get mad and move onto a different employee. She would even do it if you were on the register. She did eventually get kicked out and banned, but only because she nearly ran a kid over because she would actually drive up between the employee and customer they were helping.
If this could have more panels, Karen would probably be like “Whatever happened to customer service?” with Marla retorting “It wouldn’t be customer service if I abandoned her, and you’re only making your own wait longer.” Also it’s Karen’s own fault she’s late for her appointment because she’s at the mall (this logic fail makes it very likely she’s just trying to guilt-trip Marla).
I’m glad that the first customer is in on Marla’s rebuke.
Reminds me of this woman in a mobility cart that would come into my old store. She would come up to you and demand you help her, even if you were with a customer at the time. If you didn’t drop everything right that second and help her, she’d get mad and move onto a different employee. She would even do it if you were on the register. She did eventually get kicked out and banned, but only because she nearly ran a kid over because she would actually drive up between the employee and customer they were helping.
If this could have more panels, Karen would probably be like “Whatever happened to customer service?” with Marla retorting “It wouldn’t be customer service if I abandoned her, and you’re only making your own wait longer.” Also it’s Karen’s own fault she’s late for her appointment because she’s at the mall (this logic fail makes it very likely she’s just trying to guilt-trip Marla).