Yeah. He’s an idiot who is blindly loyal to something he doesn’t understand, kind of a jerk, and a bad manager to boot… and yet somehow he’s not the abhorrent person that his predecessor Jerry (or Josh) was. I’m not saying he’s a “good guy” but I’d rather work for STU-MAN than I would Jerry. Of course, that’s not saying much, because working for STU-MAN still sucks.
Stuart is an idiot, but that’s been a given since strip #1.
Yeah. He’s an idiot who is blindly loyal to something he doesn’t understand, kind of a jerk, and a bad manager to boot… and yet somehow he’s not the abhorrent person that his predecessor Jerry (or Josh) was. I’m not saying he’s a “good guy” but I’d rather work for STU-MAN than I would Jerry. Of course, that’s not saying much, because working for STU-MAN still sucks.
You should always be looking for another job. Nothing in life is guaranteed, employment in particular.