Yeah right? I wasn’t expecting this kind of satire against white men feeling oppressed by minorities having basic human rights and crying discrimination in 2007… I guess all the baloney nonsense* that men activists have been spouting these last few years has been fermenting for a long while (*lamenting a black mermaid when the original story character was green skinned, saying more women going to college is a discrimination against men BUT having more men than women in academia is exclusively thanks to meritocracy etc)
She wasn’t green skinned. She actually was white skinned. And again it’s more like sjw activists acting as bigoted as the people they claim to be fighting against.
I am going to be honest. Some places do discriminate against white men because of perceived privilege. And again isn’t the point of stopping discrimination for every person and those not perceived as oppressed. I am going to be honest the assumption you can’t be discriminated because you don’t fit the image is kind of backwards.
Also another rebuttal is that a white male can be discriminated against if they have a disability or if they are LGBT. So, yeah, this comeback is not as thought out as she thought. He’s an idiot but her comment should have been he’s not being discriminated for his race, gender, sexuality, or anything else but he’s just entitled to an interview.
This one aged oddly…
Yeah right? I wasn’t expecting this kind of satire against white men feeling oppressed by minorities having basic human rights and crying discrimination in 2007… I guess all the baloney nonsense* that men activists have been spouting these last few years has been fermenting for a long while (*lamenting a black mermaid when the original story character was green skinned, saying more women going to college is a discrimination against men BUT having more men than women in academia is exclusively thanks to meritocracy etc)
She wasn’t green skinned. She actually was white skinned. And again it’s more like sjw activists acting as bigoted as the people they claim to be fighting against.
Ooh found the Karen.
Caterpillar-thick unibrow and hair like he styles it with shoe polish. This would make an interesting presentation in court.
She assumed their gender and race. Transphobic and racist.
You jest but I assure you meninists think exactly along these lines lol
I am going to be honest. Some places do discriminate against white men because of perceived privilege. And again isn’t the point of stopping discrimination for every person and those not perceived as oppressed. I am going to be honest the assumption you can’t be discriminated because you don’t fit the image is kind of backwards.
Also another rebuttal is that a white male can be discriminated against if they have a disability or if they are LGBT. So, yeah, this comeback is not as thought out as she thought. He’s an idiot but her comment should have been he’s not being discriminated for his race, gender, sexuality, or anything else but he’s just entitled to an interview.