“We need to improve sales, so I mandate that you remove employees from the sales floor to watch videos conceptualized by people who have never worked in a store.”
And then when it drops sales even further since people can’t find an associate, it’s still Marla’s fault for not having a staff that’s able to multitask superhumanly. This is why I think corporate lackeys should have to work in a store two months a year (during the back-to-school or Christmas seasonal terms) – so they don’t stay out of touch. They can be incognito so they don’t become punching bags, of course.
Stuart has successfully purged all remaining traces of sympathy out of his staff the past few months. I think being actually in the store means that he is reminded that the facts are the facts and that means he can’t say anything he knows is untrue while staring the truth literally in the face… but being out of touch gives him plausible deniability when implementing corporate’s new foot-shooting schme.
I guess while we’re forcing the employees to watch more dippy videos you can supply a few robots out on the sales floor. Think the customers would notice?
“We need to improve sales, so I mandate that you remove employees from the sales floor to watch videos conceptualized by people who have never worked in a store.”
And then when it drops sales even further since people can’t find an associate, it’s still Marla’s fault for not having a staff that’s able to multitask superhumanly. This is why I think corporate lackeys should have to work in a store two months a year (during the back-to-school or Christmas seasonal terms) – so they don’t stay out of touch. They can be incognito so they don’t become punching bags, of course.
Really shows how messed up the whole situation is. What’s their excuse for their spreadsheets not working? Of course, it’s never their fault…
Someone needs to shove Stuart’s head into a toilet and flush.
Stuart has successfully purged all remaining traces of sympathy out of his staff the past few months. I think being actually in the store means that he is reminded that the facts are the facts and that means he can’t say anything he knows is untrue while staring the truth literally in the face… but being out of touch gives him plausible deniability when implementing corporate’s new foot-shooting schme.
I guess while we’re forcing the employees to watch more dippy videos you can supply a few robots out on the sales floor. Think the customers would notice?