I love how you can take this in two different ways. There’s the snarky version, telling this guy to purchase a gift himself. And then there’s the thought the gift cards let the recipient buy their gift themselves. Me? I like gift cards, because I have almost everything I need, so it’s nice to get something equivalent to cash to buy the few things I don’t (or replacements for broken stuff).
The best gift ever.
I must be getting older. I’m actually enjoying gift cards more than regular gifts nowadays…
I love how you can take this in two different ways. There’s the snarky version, telling this guy to purchase a gift himself. And then there’s the thought the gift cards let the recipient buy their gift themselves. Me? I like gift cards, because I have almost everything I need, so it’s nice to get something equivalent to cash to buy the few things I don’t (or replacements for broken stuff).
I like gift cards for service businesses, like the movie theater or a restaurant. not so much for a department store or such.
I rather have that or cash personally
I’d rather have cash donated to my favorite charity in my name. I have enough stuff.
I like getting gift cards for the computer store. I’m bound to use them eventually.
Most people I know would rather get a gift card than something they don’t want and won’t use.
I like gift cards better than gifts too since I’m very picky!