hey Stuart, this would be one of those times where leading with “Good news Marla!” would be appropriate, unless you think that 100% wasn’t earned or some BS like that
So as far as I know 100% is impossible as you should always have room to improve, by their thinking. So likely the only reason he said that was because she went off on a rant to undermine that thinking.
Had she not, likely would find some places to knock points off.
I wonder how many pages this is in her manifesto. or Arthur’s.
Everything you said is still true Marla.
hey Stuart, this would be one of those times where leading with “Good news Marla!” would be appropriate, unless you think that 100% wasn’t earned or some BS like that
So as far as I know 100% is impossible as you should always have room to improve, by their thinking. So likely the only reason he said that was because she went off on a rant to undermine that thinking.
Had she not, likely would find some places to knock points off.