Here in Wisconsin, the only time I can recall that the mall closed was ten years ago this week during “The End of the World” (a nod to the Mayan Apocalypse). We got like 21 inches of snow in 36 hours. The mall closed for two days. Only time I ever saw that happen.
Whereas in Seattle, everything shuts down tight when they get an inch.
D.C. is also famous for becoming a disaster area from a 1″-2″ snowfall.
Here in Wisconsin, the only time I can recall that the mall closed was ten years ago this week during “The End of the World” (a nod to the Mayan Apocalypse). We got like 21 inches of snow in 36 hours. The mall closed for two days. Only time I ever saw that happen.
I *LOVE* that Norm even knows what MST3K is, let alone that it makes perfect sense for Cooper to be a fan.