The trick with gift cards is that you can often use them alongside alternative methods of payment.
I remember once collecting up all the ‘unspent’ cards (cards with less than $3 in them) for Wal-Mart and bought a years worth of jeans for $5 after running a few dozen cards through. (Also, to be fair, I did this pre-COVID, and I did it on the night shift (I’m a night-owl, I’d rather be up at night) so I’d hold up the fewest customers. I may be an asshole, but I’ve worked retail, I don’t want to be the reason for irate customers in someone else’s line.)
Usually registers have a bunch of cheapo stuff right there like gum or candy bars or some other small item. Can’t you just use it for that and stop giving Amber a hard time over something that isn’t her fault?
In a way, she’s right. Stores make a lot of money from all the unused small change left on gift cards.
I like how stories keep repeating themselves from in this strip. Retail is like that.
To be honest, she still has her dollar. It’s just on that card instead of being cash…
Sheesh, lady, buy a candy bar or something! Or give it to someone else. It’s not Armageddon!
The trick with gift cards is that you can often use them alongside alternative methods of payment.
I remember once collecting up all the ‘unspent’ cards (cards with less than $3 in them) for Wal-Mart and bought a years worth of jeans for $5 after running a few dozen cards through. (Also, to be fair, I did this pre-COVID, and I did it on the night shift (I’m a night-owl, I’d rather be up at night) so I’d hold up the fewest customers. I may be an asshole, but I’ve worked retail, I don’t want to be the reason for irate customers in someone else’s line.)
Should’ve just spent over fifty.
No kidding calculators are standard apps on smart phones.
She’s not leaving without the dollar, she says. What about the penny? If it’s the principal of the thing, the amount shouldn’t matter!
Usually registers have a bunch of cheapo stuff right there like gum or candy bars or some other small item. Can’t you just use it for that and stop giving Amber a hard time over something that isn’t her fault?