“Oh come in, don’t you also get a bit if a giggle when a store tries to be “non-offensive” with their song choices but they’re perfectly willing to play ‘My Sharona’, ‘Pearl Necklace’, ‘She’s Got the Jack’, ‘Sledgehammer’, ‘Same ‘Ol Situation’, ‘She-Bop’, ‘Summer of ’69’…seriously, the list is quite lengthy.”
In that case, the customer is spot-on right.
She gets knocked down, but she gets up again. You’re never going to keep her down.
Grammar check! “This is she.” 😀
Easier to just say “Speaking.”
I doubt Marla has any control over the lame music that gets played. Call Corporate.
“Oh come in, don’t you also get a bit if a giggle when a store tries to be “non-offensive” with their song choices but they’re perfectly willing to play ‘My Sharona’, ‘Pearl Necklace’, ‘She’s Got the Jack’, ‘Sledgehammer’, ‘Same ‘Ol Situation’, ‘She-Bop’, ‘Summer of ’69’…seriously, the list is quite lengthy.”