Meh, nothing but polka, I can get behind that becoming tiresome, but it’s still fun to join in an occasional call of “Zigge, zagge, zigge, zagge, hoi, hoi, hoi! Prost!” when it’s a half-decent polka band playing something fun like ‘In Heaven There is no Beer (That’s Why We Drink it Here)’.
Oh, this one was good. I have one for the India scammers that tell me my social security number has been cancelled, but I can’t post it here.
I always try to pull up a hard rock playlist on YouTube. Sadly, too many hang up before I can.
They might enjoy hard rock. Try bagpipes or polka music.
I like bagpipes. Why do they get such a bad rap? But polka music? Ewww. Use that.
Meh, nothing but polka, I can get behind that becoming tiresome, but it’s still fun to join in an occasional call of “Zigge, zagge, zigge, zagge, hoi, hoi, hoi! Prost!” when it’s a half-decent polka band playing something fun like ‘In Heaven There is no Beer (That’s Why We Drink it Here)’.
Other options for Marla: Polka music, Yoko Ono, nails on a chalkboard, loud whistle, air horn.