The worst part is when one of these guys pukes in the freezer full of ice cream.
If you are in time to see them doing it, just grab their ankles and lift. See how long it takes them to get out of the freezer by themselves.
When management look it up on the store CCTV you’ll be sacked, but it will get you out of clearing up the mess.
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RETAIL: Year One
This is currently the only collected volumeĀ of Retail comics. It contains every comic (printed in black and white) from 2006.
The worst part is when one of these guys pukes in the freezer full of ice cream.
If you are in time to see them doing it, just grab their ankles and lift. See how long it takes them to get out of the freezer by themselves.
When management look it up on the store CCTV you’ll be sacked, but it will get you out of clearing up the mess.