Not tempted but is is now why a lot of restaurants have the order numbers on your receipt and keep track of what has been picked up. Lots of homeless and such go rummaging through garbages for invoices to try and claim they didn’t get severed.
But I worked in a department store and this was one of the.many reasons bags were not handed out unless something was sold and why damaged bags were destroyed.
We actually had a guy at my old job who tried something a little similar. During certain times of the year like Christmas or Easter, the registers would automatically print out gift receipts. Some people would throw them away in the outside trash cans if they didn’t need them. So what this guy would do was look for them in the trash, really gross I know. Back then the gift receipts would say what item or items it was for, so once he found one, he would come into the store with it and find the item on the shelf and then attempt to return it. He never got away with it thankfully, though he tried it several times. Eventually they got to recognize him and a manager would follow him around the store, but not close enough to be suspicious. Not too long after that, they stopped listing the items on the gift receipts. This guy also once tried to steal ice cream sandwiches by stuffing them into his pockets.
I remember when a friend of mine and I were walking through the parking lot at K-Mart to the front door and found a bag in a shopping cart. Someone must’ve left it there and forgotten to take it with them. It had some kind of tool and a receipt for about $10.00. We decided to “return” it and split the money. Dishonest I know.
Okay, who’s tempted to try this and see if you can get away with it?
No thanks. I prefer not having a criminal record.
Not tempted but is is now why a lot of restaurants have the order numbers on your receipt and keep track of what has been picked up. Lots of homeless and such go rummaging through garbages for invoices to try and claim they didn’t get severed.
But I worked in a department store and this was one of the.many reasons bags were not handed out unless something was sold and why damaged bags were destroyed.
Well, I would hope NO ONE gets SEVERED.
We actually had a guy at my old job who tried something a little similar. During certain times of the year like Christmas or Easter, the registers would automatically print out gift receipts. Some people would throw them away in the outside trash cans if they didn’t need them. So what this guy would do was look for them in the trash, really gross I know. Back then the gift receipts would say what item or items it was for, so once he found one, he would come into the store with it and find the item on the shelf and then attempt to return it. He never got away with it thankfully, though he tried it several times. Eventually they got to recognize him and a manager would follow him around the store, but not close enough to be suspicious. Not too long after that, they stopped listing the items on the gift receipts. This guy also once tried to steal ice cream sandwiches by stuffing them into his pockets.
I remember when a friend of mine and I were walking through the parking lot at K-Mart to the front door and found a bag in a shopping cart. Someone must’ve left it there and forgotten to take it with them. It had some kind of tool and a receipt for about $10.00. We decided to “return” it and split the money. Dishonest I know.