Correct me if I’m wrong, but would that not be an unsolvable Rubix Cube? I’m red/green colorblind (green weak, specifically), so I could be very much wrong on this, but… If it were unsolvable, it’d also speak volumes about retail in general. “No matter how hard you try, you can never solve every problem.”
We only see two sides, so there’s not really anything to indicate that it is unsolvable by that alone(some cubes have red and green as next to each other while other cubes can have them be on opposite sides). Perhaps the more pressing issue is that Cooper only used five paints instead of six.
Yeah, that’s usually how art goes.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but would that not be an unsolvable Rubix Cube? I’m red/green colorblind (green weak, specifically), so I could be very much wrong on this, but… If it were unsolvable, it’d also speak volumes about retail in general. “No matter how hard you try, you can never solve every problem.”
It’s also unsolvable because the boxes are taped together, so they can’t move freely.
We only see two sides, so there’s not really anything to indicate that it is unsolvable by that alone(some cubes have red and green as next to each other while other cubes can have them be on opposite sides). Perhaps the more pressing issue is that Cooper only used five paints instead of six.
Of course they love it. It brightens up the rather drab stockroom.