Gas prices get high when demand moves up faster than production. The president can do a LOT to hamper production. The absolutely WORST thing a president can do to hamper production is to impose a price cap, because there are no rising prices to encourage people to use less gas and/or for refiners to *make* more gas, resulting in shortages, lines, and rationing. We had that crap all through the 1970s, and Bush 41’s refusal to re-impose them during the Kuwait war is why shortages didn’t re-appear, and one of the few good things in his administration.
In this case, and in 2022, he’s right.
No, he is not. The robber barons who run the oil industries are at fault for price-gouging.
Gas prices get high when demand moves up faster than production. The president can do a LOT to hamper production. The absolutely WORST thing a president can do to hamper production is to impose a price cap, because there are no rising prices to encourage people to use less gas and/or for refiners to *make* more gas, resulting in shortages, lines, and rationing. We had that crap all through the 1970s, and Bush 41’s refusal to re-impose them during the Kuwait war is why shortages didn’t re-appear, and one of the few good things in his administration.
Wrong again