Nooo! I hate to think of Calvin’s dad just running out on the family! He’s such a good dad. He even went out at night searching for Hobbes when Calvin lost him.
My favorite C&H:
Panel 1. Calvin, to his father: “I’ve decided what I want to be when I grow up. A millionaire.”
Panel 2. Father: “Wow. You’re going to have to work really hard.”
Panel 3. Calvin: “Not me, you. I just want to inherit it.”
I printed that on a card and gave it to my dad for Father’s Day.
My favorite C&H was the one where he combed his hair and got his father’s glasses:
“Calvin, go do something you hate! Being miserable builds character!” and his mother is laughing her ass off.
Shouldn’t that be ‘Dude’ in the last panel?
CreateDate Thu Apr 09 2009 13:04:52 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
ModifyDate Thu May 20 2021 04:11:09 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
Norm’s alright in my book.
Cooper is a good guy.
There’s a fan theory that Cooper’s full name is Calvin Cooper Costello and he is Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes grown up.
Nooo! I hate to think of Calvin’s dad just running out on the family! He’s such a good dad. He even went out at night searching for Hobbes when Calvin lost him.
those sorts of theories are thought up by people with way too much free time
My favorite C&H:
Panel 1. Calvin, to his father: “I’ve decided what I want to be when I grow up. A millionaire.”
Panel 2. Father: “Wow. You’re going to have to work really hard.”
Panel 3. Calvin: “Not me, you. I just want to inherit it.”
I printed that on a card and gave it to my dad for Father’s Day.
My favorite C&H was the one where he combed his hair and got his father’s glasses:
“Calvin, go do something you hate! Being miserable builds character!” and his mother is laughing her ass off.
Where was this suggested?
EVERYONE’S suggested to be an adult Calvin at some point. I’m still sticking with the ‘he’s Frazz’ theory.
Frankly, he looks more like a grown-up Bart Simpson if he were rendered just a bit more realistically.
The constant box sculptures and fantasizing should be proof that Cooper is Calvin.