Cool new tech tends to lose coolness when it doesn’t serve a purpose. A Segway does nothing that isn’t done better by a scooter or even a bicycle. It transports you while standing upright, which is uncomfortable, potentially dangerous and makes it tough to move luggage.
Ironically, a leader of Segway died when he navigated his scooter off a cliff.
Not surprising, considering that its ergonomic flaws.
They see me roll on my Segway
I know in my heart they think I’m white & nerdy
Weird Al rules!
crazy how fast the Segway went from “cool new tech” to “lame losermobile” and never recovered.
Cool new tech tends to lose coolness when it doesn’t serve a purpose. A Segway does nothing that isn’t done better by a scooter or even a bicycle. It transports you while standing upright, which is uncomfortable, potentially dangerous and makes it tough to move luggage.
I blame the snobby son from ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT.