Oddly enough, “under God” is a relatively recent addition to the Pledge of Allegiance to distinguish it from similar-sounding pledges in Communist countries, and those same pundits are screaming about attempts to remove it as defacing a time-honored act of patriotism.
Ugh. Hate those people. Happy Holidays has always been a perfectly acceptable greeting until pundits and politicians decided to make it into a thing.
Oddly enough, “under God” is a relatively recent addition to the Pledge of Allegiance to distinguish it from similar-sounding pledges in Communist countries, and those same pundits are screaming about attempts to remove it as defacing a time-honored act of patriotism.
They must be getting into the spirit of the season.
And this is why I call it “Merry Hallowthanksmas.” And yes, I did get a writeup for answering the phone that way once.
If someone started complaining about the fake “War on Christmas,” I’d just hang up. Or, if in person, just walk away.